Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Semesters as well as during the Summer and Winter sessions.
Prerequisites and Other Registration Restrictions: Open to all except first year students. Requires approval and issuance of a SPN from the faculty member who will supervise the student. Once approval is acquired, the faculty member issues the student a special permission number.
Description: This course is designed to provide credits for students engaged in educational activities that differ from research activities. Students are eligible to register for this course if they are: (1) assigned a project (report, topic or literature review, etc.) under the guidance of a faculty member; or (2) serving as a teaching assistant for a course (such as Animal Nutrition and Animal Physiology Labs), or act as a coordinator/supervisor (Animal Handling, Fitting and Exhibition).
Assessments: A syllabus or Learning Contract is drafted by the faculty member overseeing the project or assistantship. Included in each syllabus or contract should be a description of an assessment that is based on completing teaching assistant or coordinator/supervisor activities and/or performance of assigned tasks and projects. The completed syllabus or contact and graded assessments are sent to the Undergraduate Program Director every semester. See below for template documents.
Other Requirements: The specific requirements for the course are determined in the negotiations between the student and the faculty supervisor. Since the credits are "by arrangement", the quantity of time to do the assigned special projects and the quality of work should be comparable to that required for any other course at the level of credits specified (i.e., if the project is for three credits, the workload should be comparable to a regular three-credit course).
Template Syllabus (189k DOCX) (may be subject to change)
Template Learning Contract (189k DOCX) (may be subject to change)