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Intro to Animal Sciences (11:067:142)

(3 credits)

Typically Offered: Every Fall and Spring semester

Prerequisites and Other Registration Restrictions: This course has no prerequisites. It is the initial introductory course taken by first year and transfer students majoring in Animal Sciences.

Format: Lecture (two 80-minute lectures per week), with field trips held during the regularly scheduled lecture periods to observe the G. H. Cook Campus animal facilities.

Description: This course is the initial introductory course taken by first year and transfer students who intend to major in Animal Sciences. The course presents fundamental principles and functions important in animal science. The scientific underpinnings of modern animal science are presented, with emphasis on nutrition, reproduction, animal domestication and behavior, animal welfare and rights, genetics, and growth. In addition, the biological and economic structure of the major U.S. livestock industries is also presented.

"This course meets the Core Curriculum requirement for Natural Sciences [NS]. On completion, students will be able to understand and apply basic principles and concepts in the physical or biological sciences and also to explain and be able to assess the relationship among assumptions, method, evidence, arguments, and theory in scientific analysis."

3 exams @ 30% each = 90% total
11 quizzes = 10% total (the lowest quiz score will be dropped)

3 exams @ 33.3% each = 100% total

Fall Syllabus (186k PDF) (may be subject to change)

Spring Syllabus (229k PDF) (may be subject to change)


Henry Bignell
Bartlett Hall, Rm. 120